Hedge Against Volatility

Hedge Against Volatility: DirtiCoin Hedges Your Wealth

Hedge Against Volatility : Volatility is when the value of something changes dramatically, usually in a short period of time. It can make your wealth grow dramatically. It can make your wealth disappear into thin air. When you buy a stock, or crypto, and the value goes up you are happy to see your wealth grow. But, when the value plunges, you weep as your wealth evaporates…

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Hedge against inflation

Hedge against inflation, How?

Hedge against inflation : Investopedia defines inflation as "the decline of purchasing power of a currency over time." One of the biggest drivers of inflation is the monetary supply. When government puts more money in circulation each unit of currency buys less than it did before. When they take money out of circulation each unit of currency buys more…

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